Sing a song of sixpence, a pocketful of rye.
Four-and-twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing.
Was not that a dainty dish to set before the King?
When C asked me to recite a nursery rhyme to her last night at dinner, I had an ever so clever idea. The only thing left on her plate was a pile of fresh steamed broccoli. Through the course of the meal she had stuffed a couple in her mouth, but the majority of them sat untouched on her plate. So I told her I would recite a nursery rhyme only if she ate a piece of her broccoli first. Now I want you to know that I don't use bribery with my daughter very often, but I just couldn't let this opportunity pass by. And low and behold, it did the trick! She proceded to pop a very large, beautiful green broccoli floret into her mouth and subsequently asked for "Hickory Dickory Dock." After I finished reciting the rhyme, she quickly popped another broccoli floret into her mouth and asked for "Humpty Dumpty." After her next piece of broccoli was safely in her mouth, she requested "Three Little Kittens." Uh-oh! (I don't know this one by heart.) I explained to her that I didn't know "Three Little Kittens" so could she please request another one, to which she replied, "You should really learn that one Mommy!" Ah! What a kid! Luckily, we continued this drill until all the broccoli florets were eaten and she was satisfied with her nursery rhymes. I am so thankful for the beautiful book of nursery rhymes that C's Nana gave to her before she was even born. It has been a true source of delight for her since she was a tiny baby and apparently it can be used as a bribery tool as well! Who knew?
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