I instituted Muffin Tin Monday in our home after coming across this really fun
blog several months ago. The idea is to create a lunch to eat from a muffin tin or muffin cups. Every week there is a different theme. What a fun and special treat for C to look forward to every Monday. She is starting to catch on to it and every Monday morning when we change the day of the week, she announces, "It's Muffin Tin Monday!" I decided to make C's dinner the muffin tin meal since I am introducing all kinds of new foods to her during our dinner time. It's a great way to sneak in different foods that she may not otherwise try; but because of the presentation she gets excited and is more willing to try something she has never tasted before or has previously refused. How's that for sneaky? I haven't been real faithful in following the themes for each week, but I do try to make the meals correlate with the the various seasons. It's such a simple idea and a great way to add something special to an otherwise ordinary Monday. I look forward to creating other educational themes and holiday ideas for C to enjoy. And my hope is that as she gets older she will want to create her own Muffin Tin meal ideas.

Our Halloween themed muffin cup meal from today included: organic multi-grain pumpkin shaped bread with a pomegranate seed mouth and organic raisin eyes, organic pork with a festive pumpkin skewer, fresh steamed organic green beans with a ghost skewer (that says, "BOO," as C always announces when she sees a picture of a ghost), and scary eyes (organic prunes with mozzarella cheese and bits of raisins).

And I'm happy to report that the entire meal was eaten up, except for the green beans which she finished before bed (along with some blackberries and a bit of an organic "granilla" bar, as C calls it).
Can you tell I'm on an organic kick? I don't mean to be annoying, honestly I don't. I'm just in the process of switching our family to a mostly organic, gluten-free diet for several different reasons. We'll save that for another post though. . .
Hope your Muffin Tin Monday was as happy as ours!