Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here Comes Grasshopper C!

When I asked C several weeks ago what she would like to be for Halloween, she replied, "A grasshopper, Mommy." I asked her again a few days later (thinking surely she had just said the first thing on her mind and that her mind would be changed by now) but, again she replied, "A grasshopper, Mommy." Sooooo. . . A grasshopper it is for my sweet C! (We have really large grasshoppers that jump onto our kitchen windows and C loves to sit and watch them from inside so she can see them up close.) Grasshopper costumes aren't readily available as a common choice in the stores and online, so I got my creative juices flowing and this is what I came up with. Everything is handmade except for the wings and the hat.
I used a very simple, no-sew pattern to make the tutu and the shirt pattern is made from felt and rhinestones. I just love this picture of her with the hat covering her eyes. C was playing peek-a-boo with the photographer so she was able to snap this picture before C lifted the hat back up! So fun!
Hope your Halloween is as festive and fun as ours! We are spending the evening eating and trick-or-treating with some good friends.


  1. This is the cutest thing i have ever seen, my daughter too who is 3 said she wanted to be a grasshopper for halloween and i asked her again a few days later also and again grasshopper! thanks for a cute idea, wish you had some to sell i would buy one! :P

  2. great idea. My daughter wants to be a cricket this year and we will use this idea Quick question, where did you get the green shirt and pants. can't find it anywhere. thanks.
