Here is a quick and easy way to review letters while driving in the car. I bought a super cheap cookie sheet at Wal-Mart and filled it with a set of magnetic letters (also from Wal-Mart for $1). While we're in the car, I ask C to find various letters and then we sing the letter sound song. She loves it and has learned all of her letters and most of their sounds in the process. She usually holds the letter up for me so I can look back quickly and see that she has the correct one. (Oooh, I hope that doesn't make me a bad driver?)

Kids love to get messy and moms like to clean things up. Right? Playing with shaving cream is the best of both worlds, getting messy and smelling clean. This activity fits into the "messy play" category as it makes a grand one BUT, if you can stand the mess, it's the greatest activity for a couple of reasons. It is very helpful with fine motor skills, those visual and tactile learners will benefit greatly from this activity. It is also a fabulous way to review letters, numbers, and shapes as it explores the senses in a fun . . . and messy way.

I usually use food coloring to make it a little more exciting and I TRY to keep it on a cookie sheet, tin foil, or wax paper (a vinyl tablecloth would work too). But be aware that it will end up in other places regardless of what you do to contain it. At least it's very easy to wipe up and the smell is a nice benefit. Squirt a little pile on your child's work space and let them go to town. If you do add food coloring, mix it in with a spoon so it doesn't get all over those little fingers.

C has a blast "finger painting" in it and after she plays for a while making swirls and handprints, we work on tracing letters, numbers, and shapes. I will do hand over hand to guide her in tracing various things.

Happy "messy play" today!
I buy shaving cream and leave it in the shower for this reason! ;) You can find some foam soap in colors too and K has a great time drawing on the walls and door while I actually get to wash my hair. We did the medicine dropper activity after you mentioned it - loved it! The bean transfer was a hit too. Love the letters and cookie sheet for the car - will definitely try that one too.