Here is C playing with her harvest/ Thanksgiving sensory tub. . .

This tub includes popcorn kernels, pipe cleaners, scarecrow and leaf beads, silk leaves, various wooden boxes, paper quarter rolls, and a scooper.

And here she is enjoying a rubber stamping "tivity." Ah, the joys of being two!

And, yes, this ink is washable!!!!

And this picture is for you, Mom and Dad! Here is our BEAUTIFUL Hibiscus plant! We get blooms just about every other day. C reminded me that it needed to be watered yesterday. Every morning she looks out the back door and gives me an update. We usually end up having to go outside to check out the new blooms, buds, and withered flowers from the day before. She is in love with this plant! And it serves as a beautiful reminder to me of your love for C and of God's amazing creation.

I hope everyone in the neighborhood got popcorn from the Fall sensory tub later!!